Monday, March 23, 2009

Internship Magazine

What article(s) would you like to write for the magazine? What photography could you contribute? Art? List three different ideas for your major contribution. I don't really know what type of article I'd like to write. Maybe something about what the actual students think of internship and immersion. Something that sums up the good and the bad and includes many different points of view (interview classmates) and the overall thoughts of the class as a whole. As far as photography goes, I'm not really happy with my pictures but I could include one.

Suggest at least one (or more) possible title for the magazine. This could be a title with or without a subtitle. For example, I work for UnBoxed: a Journal of Adult Learning in Schools. I'm terrible at coming up with titles. The best thing I could think of would be, Internship: Career Experience for a High School Student.

Suggest a topic for an article that you were personally like to read in a magazine inspired by the internship semester. If I were looking through this magazine, I'd like to see an article about how internship changed a student as a person. I'd want to read a personal account of how internship impacted someone in some way and how it changed them.

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